Several years ago, I resigned as middle child in my family. I can’t remember what made me tender my resignation, but I was sick of the role and I told my older sister so.
I remember when we were kids, my sister and her best friend standing on either side of me, tossing a ball above my head. I was maybe 10 and they were 15. I’d jump up, trying to grab the ball, hopelessly short, hopelessly inadequate. Read More
Excellent blog, dear Hank. Thank you. The timing for my reading this is uncanny. It has not been until the past year that I've realized how being a 'monkey in the middle' has affected my independent yet shakable emotions. I try not to set myself up anymore (trying to help) with siblings but they still have a need to throw in a punch now and then. That's her problem, I say, but it's still painful. Such is the life with others, so your blog drops a golden nugget that is that I should be seeking out more monkeys who like having their brains picked. Or at least we'd be content picking the bugs off of each other, unlike my sibs do. Thank you :) (I suppose had I read related books, I would have learned this long ago.... ;))